For Yoga Teachers who are ready to say goodbye to monotony… and hello to inspired classes!
Sequencing creative AND intelligent movement classes is easier (& way more fun) than you think
I’d love to show you how! Apply for UNEARTH YOUR STYLE today.
UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is a step-by-step coaching program for Yoga Teachers looking to teach vibrant and purposeful movement classes in under 6 months.
If you’re ready to go from “I lack confidence with sequencing” to “I GOT THIS” and “COME TO MY CLASS!” then read on.
Hey awesome teacher, I see you. And all of your limitless potential. You aspire to be a confident, creative and sought-after Yoga Teacher. You want to stand out in a way that’s totally unique to YOU, and attract an audience that can hardly wait for your next class.
But right now, that’s feeling pretty out of reach.
Maybe you’ve learned some lessons along the way, like how copying another teacher’s sequence doesn’t feel authentic. (Psssst… trying to teach like other instructors is NOT the answer to filling your classes. More importantly, it will keep you from falling in love with your own offerings!)
But no matter how many certifications you have under your tights, you still experience class-planning overwhelm, a non-existent home practice, imposter syndrome, creative ruts or teaching-burnout.
It totally stinks when you’re not fully lit up by what you’re sharing, and when your current reality seems anything but sustainable. (All that time and stress to plan out ONE class, only to have to do it again next week. Eek! Or scouring social media for something interesting to chuck into your next class, just so students “don’t get bored”.)
If this is you, don’t fret. You aren’t alone. I’ve seen SO many teachers in your exact place.
Here’s why I’m over-the-moon excited: Because you’re here… Curious to hear how you can grow, expand, enhance your creativity, and make a BIGGER impact in students’ lives. (Do a little wiggle, this is exciting stuff!)
I get the feeling you’re committed to leading meaningful classes, from a place that’s grounded and genuine. And that last part is my favorite.
Investing in a 200hr YTT, only to graduate with a certificate and feel like a total imposter (Truth: feeling confused about sequencing as a new teacher is actually the norm… but it doesn’t have to be your reality)
Gaining additional certifications in hopes they’d help boost your confidence
Training in various yoga styles, in case you just hadn’t found the “right” template to follow
Trying to teach like other instructors by copying what seems to work for them (yet you ended up feeling out of alignment and totally disconnected from what you’re sharing)
It can be frustrating when you’ve tried (or at least considered) it all. Especially since you chose to teach because you LOVE the practice. And you want to share this deep passion for mindful movement with others.
But right now you’re feeling a little discouraged… maybe you’re also wondering if there’s a different way.
Here’s what I think. And after over a decade of teaching, it’s my BIGGEST tip to share!
The reason those things haven’t worked for you (like being a collector of trainings or re-teaching someone else’s sequence) is because you have yet to discover your OWN signature style.
You’ll never have boatloads of confidence if you continue lacking THIS: Tangible sequencing tools that support you in creating awesome, thoughtful classes that come from within. (Yes, from within!)
Sure, what you’re sharing right now may be great… but that doesn’t mean it wholly feels like yours. I imagine it’s not grounded in your personal practice, your wellspring of creativity (trust me, you’ve got one!), or your heart.
I’ve seen Yoga Teachers struggle with this over and over again (this was me at one stage too), which is exactly why I created UNEARTH YOUR STYLE.
With this step-by-step coaching program, I’m here to help you step WITHIN – your strengths, your authenticity, your unique style – so you can STAND OUT in a genuine way.
UNEARTH YOUR STYLE was designed to provide you with creative sequencing frameworks that WORK, so you can stay inspired, create with confidence, and fill your classes.
There’s a reason why this isn’t another Yoga Teacher Training. Truth is, I don’t think you need a 2nd, 3rd or 4th YTT right now. Or more content, more stuff to learn, more stuff to copy...
I don’t think you’d be where you are (i.e. wanting to hold space for students amidst zesty, thoughtful classes) if you actually needed “more”. Deep down, you know you don’t need more. Instead, you need support in the way of practical and creative sequencing skills, so you can step into your embodied teacher within.
And that’s exactly how my approach is different.
It isn’t about consuming heaps of content, memorizing concepts, or feeling like you need to teach the “right” way. It isn't about another certification. Or busy work. Or duplicating another person’s style. No way – quite the opposite!
This is about learning who YOU are as a teacher. And these tangible, creative sequencing tools (along with a supportive coach to help apply them, so you can uncover your own style) will get you there!
Because I don’t want you to teach like someone else, and that includes me. Instead, I want you to gain the tools you need to dive in, and step into YOUR awesomeness. (It’s waiting for you!)
In fact, I want you to filter EVERYTHING (including past and future information) through your own self-awareness, your wisdom, and your expertise. And then get super clear on what it means to MOVE like you. And TEACH like you.
Because you’ve got something TOTALLY UNIQUE to share. And I want to see it!
So… how will this happen, exactly?
By learning to leverage proven sequencing techniques, so that every class you teach is filled with intention and purpose. And crafting these sessions is less overwhelming, more creative and more freeing.
The best part? You’ll be building habits and skills that will work for the REST of your teaching career.
This approach isn’t about gaining more – it’s about becoming more. And I’m here so you continue to explore, expand, and show up for yourself; so you gain momentum, clarity, confidence, and a WILD LOVE for your own offerings.
Sounds awesome, right?
Over your 6 months of growing, practicing and playing inside UNEARTH YOUR STYLE, we will focus on the following 5 areas and goals…
1. We’ll explore a collection of purposeful & practical ways to SEQUENCE
Learn my entire toolkit of signature class-writing techniques. By delving into these thoughtful, creativity-boosting approaches (that totally work), you can gain clarity on what aligns with YOUR inner teacher. We’ll address sequencing structure, setting up anatomically safe classes, utilizing intentional theming, purposeful progressions, layered flows and moving meditations, along with how to empower your students and set them up for success. (And some secret tools I’m not naming here!)
2. We’ll ignite & inspire your HOME PRACTICE
You’ll develop an understanding of why a home practice is paramount to feeling purposeful, grounded and confident as a Yoga Teacher. Weekly movement prompts and bite-sized flows will provide you the opportunity to play with interesting, fun and expansive ways to show up and move. This is how you’ll develop the habit of a solo-practice, explore your unique class offerings, and find out what it means to move like YOU!
3. We’ll awaken your innate CREATIVITY (yes, you got it!)
Embodiment and inspiration isn’t random. It’s based on the habit of showing up. And creativity may not always strike… but it’s way more likely to do so when you’re OPEN for biz! (As Julia Cameron says, “Creativity is in the doing, not the done.”) Tangible sequencing tools will provide you with ENDLESS ideas, transitions, variations, fun flows and movement patterns to explore. Get ready to be the most creative teacher in the room – in a genuine and authentic way!
4. You’ll craft your SIGNATURE sequencing style (& get ready to fill your classes!)
After all the above, you’ll have unearthed your unique style of movement. Now it’s time to build a class blueprint that feels like your own! With my step-by-step approach, you’ll build a framework that will be 100% unique to you. It will reduce class-planning overwhelm and provide you with a template to inspire future classes. Just think about how a coloring book is so much less overwhelming than a blank page, it makes you want to pick up the crayons! That’s exactly what this blueprint will be to you – boundaries for creative expansion.
5. You’ll gain tools that last for a LIFETIME of teaching
As we evolve as humans, we evolve as teachers.. The tools you learn inside Unearth Your Style will support you in honing and redefining your style for as long as you teach. Get ready to stay in integrity as a teacher and totally LIT UP by your offerings, for your entire teaching career!
UNEARTH YOUR STYLE seeks Yoga Teachers (and other movement-based instructors upon approval) who are totally ready to go from “I lack confidence with sequencing” to “I love my unique teaching style”.
Due to the high level of support and accountability offered in this program (in addition to the guarantee I offer below), I can only accept a limited number of teachers at any given time. Therefore, I choose to work with those who are qualified and committed, who align with the program’s outcome, and who are ready to show up, do the work, and invest in their uniqueness.
How to know if UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is right for you
This is for…
200hr+ Certified Yoga Teachers (and other mat-based movement instructors; i.e. Sculpt, etc.) who are ready to create groovy AND intelligent movement classes in under 6 months.
This includes teachers who…
Want tangible sequencing skills, so they can craft awesome classes with total confidence
Are looking to expand their creativity, lean into their strengths as a teacher, and develop a style that feels 100% their own
Want to grow their class sizes and develop a consistent (and enthusiastic!) following
Desire a class structure that makes class planning less overwhelming, more inspired and more freeing
Want to gain habits, skills and confidence that will benefit them for a lifetime of teaching (Brand new teachers WELCOME!)
This is not for…
Those who don’t want to develop a home practice, and Teachers who won’t make the time to show up on their mat and have fun flying solo (I’m sorry to say there’s no permeable practice around here)
Yoga Teachers looking for ‘another’ certification (it’s not about a piece of paper – it’s about stepping into your highest teaching-self and becoming a more confident, creative and inspired teacher)
Teachers looking for support with traditional Yoga philosophy, Sanskrit and other lineage-based materials (there are much better people suited to coach you in this area)
How we’ll work together through UNEARTH YOUR STYLE
The format of UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is what makes it truly unique and helps you achieve results that were previously out of reach. When we speak, I’ll explain the entire format and structure in detail. For now, what’s most important to know is that I use a blend of…
Every second week we’ll meet as a small, intimate group where I walk you through the UNEARTH YOUR STYLE framework step-by-step. We’ll move together – and quite often, in the literal sense! – through the curriculum. During each session, you’ll get personalized attention surrounding your questions and your progress, and support overcoming obstacles.
You will also receive 3 private coaching calls throughout our 6 months together, to make sure you are getting all of the personal attention and feedback you need. Especially as it relates to your individual teaching goals, your unique style, class structure and offerings.
Our community utilizes an organized (and inspiring) forum for all your questions and shares. There’s no overwhelming FB page here; interact as little or as much as you’d like! This is where movement prompts are posted, wins are celebrated, supplementary content is shared, and more. It’s also where you can message for 1:1 support, anytime.
Supplementary video content will help you move through the UNEARTH YOUR STYLE framework. Curriculum can be watched (and re-watched) at your convenience and speed. You will be accessing all content through your own login within our content library.
Access to my online studio, aNue, where you can find a variety of creative on-demand classes ranging from 10 minutes to 75 minutes. These classes are a great way to see our sequencing tools put to use, and will help solidify your knowledge of how they can be integrated into your own classes and in a multitude of styles. You’ll have access to this library for one full year, giving you the opportunity to move with me beyond our 6 months. Use them to inspire your own practice and offerings!
You will be surrounded by other Yoga Teachers just like you, with goals similar to your own. Within this group, you’ll be able to chat progress, swap movement inspo and playlists, share challenges and wins, schedule optional home practice meetups, and keep your groove going. Because I’m so selective about who is allowed into the program, rest assured this is a community of rad humans – get excited to meet everyone!
IGNITE & INSPIRE YOUR HOME PRACTICE. Develop a consistent home practice – one that allows you to feel purposeful, grounded and confident as a Yoga Teacher. I’ll show how to use these solo sessions as a wellspring for creativity, so you can kiss burnout, overwhelm and those class-planning ruts goodbye.
LEARN PURPOSEFUL WAYS TO SEQUENCE & PUT THEM TO USE. Here, I’ll guide you through a variety of thoughtful, intelligent approaches to sequencing – from leading anatomically safe classes, to teaching creative flows and purposeful progressions, to traveling through layers, circuits and more. Walk away knowing which methods align with your inner teacher.
CRAFT YOUR SIGNATURE STYLE & SET YOURSELF APART. Build a class blueprint that feels like your own, and gain the tools needed to continue honing and redefining your style. This is how you’ll stay in integrity as a Yoga Teacher, and attract an audience that can’t wait for your next class!
I am 100% committed to teaching you sequencing tools that WORK, including how to apply them to your unique style.
(Even if that style is just emerging!) And because I make sure you are a fabulous fit for this program beforehand, I know without a doubt you will get amazing results.
That being said, you may still have hesitations about whether everything I’m sharing is truly possible for you, and if UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is the best option to get you there.
So in case you are still hesitating to apply, here’s a guarantee that you can bank on:
I am willing to promise you that if you follow the curriculum (including watching and participating in all coaching calls, and showing up for your personal practice), and, after our 6 months together, you still don’t feel like you have the knowledge to sequence creative and purposeful classes, I will work with you for free until you do. I do not take your investment lightly. And I am wholeheartedly investing in your awesomeness, too.
If you’re ready to create inspiring classes that keep students coming back for more (and are willing to explore, play, and be curious… alongside my enthusiastic guidance and support), then it’s time to apply!
You have the ability to be a sought-after Yoga Teacher, and to share creative movement that’s rooted in your practice and heart.
But the road you’re traveling now may only be leading to imposter syndrome, overwhelm or confusion, rather than filling classes and serving students. Trust me: it doesn’t need to be like this!
You’re curious about this program because you’re a Yoga Teacher who’s SO done with….
Spending hours & hours trying to plan your classes, but still end up feeling like they’re uninspired, repetitive or lack any personal flair.
Doing a ton of trainings, and still not unearthing your greatest teacher within.
Re-teaching what seems to be working for popular instructors, yet feeling out of alignment and disconnected from what you’re sharing.
Making up excuses as to why you still don’t have a consistent home practice.
Investing in more courses and YTTs that are centered around a specific method to copy versus enhancing YOUR unique style.
Instead, you’re ready for real support, real results and that “Oooh-I-LOVE-what-I-teach” feeling you’ve been craving.
Which is why you’re the perfect teacher for UNEARTH YOUR STYLE
Because you know what happens when you have the knowledge and tools you need to sequence like a boss?
You set yourself apart, wake up EXCITED to teach, and feel super CONFIDENT about the classes you’re leading
The students come rolling in, because you’re sharing a style of movement that’s 100% yours (we all love teachers who rock their own style)
You’re not stressing about how you’re going to plan a fun class, what will make students return for more, where you should go for inspiration... and on and on (we’re done with that!)
If you’re finally ready to teach full and fabulous classes, let’s get a move on (pun intended)
Results don’t happen by accident. They happen because you have followed a process, taken the steps, done the work, and received the help necessary to get where you want to go.
In UNEARTH YOUR STYLE, you’ll become confident, grounded and in FULL alignment with your sequencing. Are you ready?
Unlike other online-based teaching programs, UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is not a self-paced, offered-to-the-masses kind of program. (No, this isn’t an online course you can just click and buy!)
UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is different in its focus on taking action (through practice and exploration) and receiving highly-individualized support.
As a member of UNEARTH YOUR STYLE you will not only be guided step-by-step through the program’s proven framework, but you will also be encouraged, supported, inspired, cheered on… and even nudged in the “sit bones” when needed… all the way to your goals.
The best part is how absolutely DOABLE this will be, once you have the right tools, framework, and support in your corner.
If reading this excited you about the future of your classes, or energized you, or even gave you nervous butterflies…
I’d love to spend the next 6 months together
If you know this is for you – in your heart, your gut, or your “hut” as my friend says – trust yourself enough to take this step. UNEARTH YOUR STYLE is waiting!