A Journaling Exercise as Easy as Daydreaming
Hey friend, I made you something! I wrote and recorded a guided audio experience just for you. Choose to use it as a manifestation meditation, a led visualization, or a precursor to opening up your notebook and putting pen to paper. Download your copy below, and then read on to find out how to put it to good use.
The writing prompt
One of the most powerful journaling exercises I have ever done, and continue to return to, is “Your Perfect Day”. The basis of this prompt is quite simple: From a day’s beginning to a day’s end, you’ll write about a perfect day. Along the way, you’ll answer questions like where you wake up, who you share moments with, what you do for work, how you spend your free time, what lights you up… and on and on. (The audio will walk you through each step!)
Though the idea is straightforward, the pondering is profound! Spending time dreaming and scheming about “Your Perfect Day” will give you direction for the future, while sowing seeds of awareness in the NOW.
Why I love it… and keep coming back
I return to this journaling exercise (or visualization exercise; it can be either!) again and again. Why? It’s a passion pulse-check, a reminder of due North, and an investment into future confetti-throwing, bottle-popping-moments. In other words, it’s a straightforward way to see if you’re living a life in alignment with your purpose, your lofty dreams and what brings you joy.
When it feels like I’m shuffling through life staring at my toes, or when I’m mentally drained by choices entombed in the past, the what-ifs of the future, or potential ripple effects of each tiny, fear-based step forward (hmm… any kindred spirits out there?), this is where I go.
As I’ve mentioned above, no pen is required. With the guided audio, you can lay back and let thoughts and shapes form within your mind. At some point, however, I do recommend grabbing a notebook! The overarching idea is to let your vision transition onto paper – into a tangible dream that’s, quite literally, at your fingertips.
Sewing seeds for the future
When I’ve gone too long without doing this exercise (or similar goal-setting, manifestation, or vision-boarding practices), I struggle to answer simple questions like… “It’s your perfect day. So... Where are you living? Who do you spend your time with? What do you do during the day?” (And there HAS been an energy worker telling me, during those blurry, meandering times, I’m living my life through others. Ick. Sounds about right.)
We all lose our way at some point or another.
Not being able to answer those basic yet paramount questions illuminates the windy path I’ve wandered away from my truth. As well as how often I cling to a fixed future without ever reassessing it. (Hello lack of fluidity, stagnant vision and paper-thin self-sovereignty…)
Returning to this prompt is like taking off a blindfold, wiping off the haze, and seeing an intentional path forward. One that isn’t dictated by other people’s expectations or the soul-crushing phrase, what I “should” be doing. (Ugh, you with me?)
This prompt inspires daydreaming on paper, and has provided huge healing leaps forward when I’ve needed them most. And I want to share all of that with you! Are you ready? If you haven’t yet done so, download your audio right here. And get ready to go on your own journey!
Your journey, your guided practice
Before you hit play, make yourself comfortable. Put your legs up the wall, grab a bolster, fill up the tub, stretch out in the hammock, or find a comfortable seat with eyes closed. Wherever you can be so your body stops talking and your mind can roam freely. (Ahhhhh.)
Silence any potential distractions and begin when you’re ready (note: the audio duration is 7 minutes). Pause whenever you need a moment to ponder; play it back as many times as you need.
Ready friend? Go have a listen. Dream big. And chase your truth. It’s time to live a life designed by you.
x Kacey Janeen
Do you have a friend you’d like to share this audio with? Go ahead and forward this page along! (And if this was sent to you… A. Someone rad loves you. B. You can sign up for aNue emails, with practices like this, here.)